Festival Rules

1. Entrance Rules

1a. Professionals/Novices

CFMDS is a festival for amateur performers. For this purpose, an amateur is defined as one who is in full-time or higher education or is over the age of 22 and does not derive fees from performance or teaching of the subject of the class for which the entry is made.

Professionals may only participate in ‘Open’ classes or as accompanists or conductors. Professionals entering classes not marked as ‘Open’ will not be adjudicated.

A novice is classed as someone who has not taken part in a Festival previously.

1b. Entry

Entries, accompanied by the entry fee, must be made no later than Thursday, 30 November 2024. Entries will not be accepted after this date. No entry will be accepted unless accompanied by the full entry fee. No entry fees can be refunded.

The Committee shall have the right to transfer an entry to any other class or, if expedient, to reject it. Any class may be withdrawn if, in the opinion of the Committee, there are not sufficient entries.

1c. Age Limits

The age limit in individual classes is governed by the competitor's age on 1 September 2024 (apart from dance which is 31 August 2024). It does not apply to accompanists. For School Choirs, School Orchestras/Bands etc., the qualifying age is 1 September 2024.

1d. Admission Fees & Other Criteria

A timetabling email will be issued to all competitors which gives free admission to the session(s) in which they are to appear. All non-competitors are required to pay the admission charge as printed in the Festival Programme or stated on the door. Performers must be available ten minutes before the class is due to start. Rehearsal is permitted only in warm-up rooms provided for entrants.

1e. Acceptance of Entries

The Committee reserves the right, at its unfettered discretion, to decline to accept any entry, without giving any reason.

2. Performance Rules

2a. 'Own Choice' Pieces

Music and Speech: A copy of the item(s) to be performed, with the competitor’s name and class thereon, must be handed to the Adjudicator's steward, on the day, before the commencement of each class.

Where an accompanist has been arranged, a separate copy of 'Own Choice' music must be sent to the accompanist by the first week in January 2025.

The Committee reserves the right to disqualify any competitor who fails to comply.

2b Mime Solo Classes

Performers must provide their own musical accompaniment if this is required.

2c. Speech and Drama Classes

Solo Verse, Prose Reading and Solo Acted Scenes

Entrants do not have to obtain copyright permission for the performance of any solo selection of less than ten minutes in length.

The title and author must be announced, and words may not be changed nor the gender of a character. It is illegal to change the gender of a character in a play which is still in copyright ie written within the last 70 years. Changing the gender of a character in a play written before this time is permissible but make sure that if it is a translation from e.g. Chekhov, Ibsen, Molière, the translator is also out of copyright.

The Section Secretary will supply you with a form in which to enter the title, author and publisher after all entries have been received. This must be returned, completed, by the requested date.

Duologues and Group Scenes

Entrants must obtain the copyright holder’s permission for any post 1947 scene. It is your responsibility to check whether your author or translator died before January 1st 1947. You are responsible for any performing licence fees requested by the copyright holder.

The Section Secretary will supply you with a form on which to enter the title, author and publisher, whether copyright or non-copyright, after all entries have been received. This must be returned, completed, by the requested date.


Teachers entering performers with SEN (Special Educational Needs) need to inform the Section Secretary at the time of entry.

All time limits must be adhered to or marks will be deducted.

2d. Copyright

The Festival is affiliated to the British Federation of Festivals and is covered by its group licence for PRS and PPL. In addition to this, we have ALCS cover for performers of verse and prose items. It is the responsibility of the performer to ensure all copyright and licensing obligations for their performance piece have been met. Acceptance of entries will be on the assumption that the necessary permission has been given.

2e. Set Pieces & Own Choice Pieces

For set pieces, the prescribed editions of Speech & Music must be used and rendered exactly as written (and in the same key) except where otherwise stated. For all classes, the same piece may not be performed in more than one class in the same year, except for one item only of two or more items performed in a recital class. The performance of a repeated piece will not be adjudicated.

2f. Time Limits

When set, time limits must be adhered to without exception. Adjudicators’ attention will be drawn to this rule. Any infringement will be penalised by reduction of marks or disqualification. The time limit for each class includes time required to set up, including tuning and spoken introduction.

2g. Conductors

Choirs and orchestras are allowed a conductor. No competitor other than a conductor may be entered in more than one choir or orchestra in the same class.

2h. Music Stands

Competitors must provide their own music stands if required.

2i. Junior Orchestras, Ensembles or Groups.

These may include not more than two adult members, provided that they do not play leading roles.

2j. Recorded Accompaniment.

The use of CD recordings, instead of an accompanist, to provide piano accompaniment for other instruments, is permitted, providing the recording is part of a professionally published musical edition. The means of playing such recordings must be supplied by the competitor.

3. Audience Rules

3a. Photography/Videos/Mobile Phones

No unauthorised photography or video recording inside the performance area is allowed at our Festival, and all electronic devices (including mobile phones) must be switched off. Those failing to comply will be asked to leave the venue.

Where parents/guardians/carers do not wish photos to be taken at all, then the responsible adult attending should ensure that their child/pupil/vulnerable adult is not included in official authorised photos.


4a. Music & Speech Classes

All competitors will receive a certificate/adjudication sheet. Marking will be divided into 7 categories as specified by the British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance & Speech:

EXCEPTIONAL 95+ MARKS A superlative performance, displaying exceptional artistic individuality.

OUTSTANDING 90-94 MARKS An impressive performance technically and artistically, displaying spontaneity & clear individuality.

HONOURS 85-89 MARKS An excellent performance, demonstrating fluent technical and artistic skills with emerging individuality.

COMMENDED 80-84 MARKS A convincing performance technically & artistically, with increasing stylistic & communication skills.

MERIT 75-79 MARKS A competent performance, showing some artistic awareness and/or technical ability.

PROGRESSING 70-74 MARKS A performance showing development of technique and/or communication and commitment.

DEVELOPING 65-69 MARKS A performance demonstrating an awareness of technical skills, requiring more consistency & artistry.

The competitors’ marks in each class will be announced by the Adjudicator who will then present a trophy to the winner (providing they have achieved COMMENDED), and certificates to all candidates.

4b. Dance

All competitors will receive a certificate/adjudication sheet. Marking will be divided into 5 categories as specified by the British and International Federation of Festivals for Music, Dance and Speech for use at Dance Festivals:

HONOURS 85-89 MARKS An excellent performance, demonstrating fluent technical and artistic skills with emerging individuality.

COMMENDED 80-84 MARKS A convincing performance technically & artistically, with increasing stylistic & communication skills.

MERIT 75-79 MARKS A competent performance, showing some artistic awareness and/or technical ability

PROGRESSING 70-74 MARKS A performance showing development of technique and/or communication and commitment.

DEVELOPING 65-69 MARKS A performance demonstrating an awareness of technical skills, requiring more consistency & artistry.

4c. Trophies

Recipients will be responsible for the safe custody and return of any trophies awarded, and for any new inscription thereon. Such inscriptions must not be made on the actual trophy, but upon a small plate/shield to be attached to the base.

Joint winners of a single trophy must arrange privately for any share in engraving costs and agree on the transfer of the trophy during the year. Any damage must be reported to the Section Leader. Addresses for the return of trophies in person will be notified to winners on the day.

5. General Rules

5a. Dancing Classes

Competitors may only enter once in each class in solo sections. Competitors can enter twice in duet/trio/quartet and group sections.

Singing is only permitted in the following sections: song and dance solos, cabaret duets, cabaret trios/quartets and song and dance groups.

Character section to be based on classical ballet or Greek technique.

All music must be uploaded into Play & Perform by the given date. Amplification is provided by the Festival. The use of resin is strictly prohibited.

For safeguarding purposes, only teachers, parents or licensed chaperones are to accompany competitors beyond registration at stage door. Teachers will only be permitted side stage for the purposes of supporting a competitor with the use of a prop or costume. For the purposes of health and safety competitors will be required to sign in and out when leaving the backstage area.

5b. Organ Classes

Registrants and page turners will be allowed for all classes, except for Planned Improvisation and Hymn & Worship Song.

The opportunity to practise on the organ used for the festival will be allowed and will be discussed with each entrant well before the performance date.

Entrants should feel free to choose pieces with or without pedals (or a mixture of the two).

In the Planned Improvisation and Hymn and Worship Song class, performances without using pedals are acceptable.

5c Adjudicators

The Committee may appoint other adjudicators if the entries should warrant it or if an adjudicator engaged is unable to attend. Communication with adjudicators by teachers, competitors or other interested parties is prohibited.

The Adjudicators' decisions shall be final. They shall have the power to withhold any award and may stop any performance at their discretion.

5d Disputes

The decision of the Committee, upon all questions or disputes arising out of or not provided for in these rules, shall be final. The Committee reserves the right to qualify any rule or to make any other rules as occasion may arise.

Complaints, protests, or representation must be made in writing and addressed to one of the Section Leaders.